Rose Park for Babies – newborn babies get a rose tree to plant

nov 25 • Kult & Art • Impress Magazin

In the park in front of the nursery in Pöttyös utca, in the Rose Garden for Babies, the babies get a rose tree every year.

For the last eight years a community rose planting event has been organized in the spring to celebrate the birth of babies in the József Attila housing estate. There are nametags next to the little rose trees to indicate which rose belongs to which baby.

Rose tree planting has become a tradition

The rose park was established by the Írisz Family Club based on the idea of Mrs Valentin in 2007. Since then, newer and newer rose trees have been planted to honour the newborn babies. Rose trees and nametags may be requested after registration at the Írisz Family Club.


In the park a big memorial tablet is placed showing the names of all the newborn registered in the given years. Moreover, small roses are given to the babies whose parents have registered for the programme.

The local authority supports the work of the volunteers by donating the memorial tablet and the roses, and by looking after the Rose Park. “We have created the Rose Park for Babies partly for the purpose of community building”, said Ágnes Velenczei, a volunteer coordinator of Írisz Family Club. “Mums and dads love meeting up in the park where the parents of small children can share their experiences. There are families who come and water the plants together, chat and enjoy the beauty of the rose trees. The park is a kind of bond that holds the community together.”

Rose parks for babies are being established in other towns as well, the tradition of planting rose trees has taken root also in Velence, Bodajk, Szilas, and even in Zenta, which is a town across the border.

Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: itt

INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata

newborn – újszülött
volunteer coordinator – önkéntes szervező
memorial tablet – emléktábla
local authority – önkormányzat
community – közösség
tradition – hagyomány

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